Flexible Braided Wiring System
Your engines and equipment require a wide range of pre-cabled braided flexible wiring solutions up to a recmmened temperature of 138°C.
CMR’s flexible harness manufacture process applies automated cut, strip and termination alongside best-in-class build-board assembly and test facilities, supported by Cirris test software.
The sleeving method is specified dependant on the customer specification and CMR recommend the best solution considering operating environment, design for manufacture and cost.
CMR’s e plug and play flexible harness systems enable efficient assembly and can be supplied with bespoke mouting brackets and p-clips to ensure efficient assembly at the customer production facility.
The braided harness solutions from CMR utilize a wide range of wire and insulating types – examples are listed below:
• Variety of multi core cable
Typical physical properties:
• Tensile strenght – 15lbs (6.8kg)
• Yield – 1000yds/lb (2000m/kg)
• Cold Flex Tolerance -54°C (-65°F)
Effects of common vehicle fluids, 24 Hours at 200°F:
Fluid rating 0=No Effect, 5=Significant Embrittlement
Abrasion rating 0=No Effect, 5=Significant Embrittlement
0 Grease
1 Motor Oil 10 w 30
2 Battery Acid
0 Anti-Freeze
2 Windshield Wiper Fluid
0 Hydraulic Fluid
2 Relative Abrasion Resistance