Flexible Conduit Wiring System


Your engines and equipment require a wide range of pre-cabled sealed heatshrink flexible wiring solutions capable of operating at temperatures of up to either 150°C or 200°C.

CMR’s flexible harness manufacture process applies automated cut, strip and termination alongside best-in-class build-board assembly and test facilities, supported by Cirris test software.

The sleeving method is specified dependant on the customer specification and CMR recommend the best solution considering operating environment, design for manufacture and cost.

CMR’s e plug and play flexible harness systems enable efficient assembly and can be supplied with bespoke mouting brackets and p-clips to ensure efficient assembly at the customer production facility.

Typical sleeving/wire:
• Harnessflex – conduit and transitions
• Schelmer – conduit
• Wire is selected based on application and environment – PTFE, 44A, TXL, Tri Rated

– See more at: http://www.cmr-group.com/products/industrial-engine-genset-wiring-systems/conduit/conduit#sthash.ZQ2s7NJd.dpuf

Pipe – Complex & Multi-Service


Your ability to perform is based on a need for absolute reliability.

Typical applications of the Complex and Multi-Service PIPEHarness™ range includes:
• Connection of sensors used for monitoring diesel and gas engines
• Transmission of measuring signals

This rigid PIPEharnesses™ is designed for performing the electrical connections between:
• each coil and the general input to which the cable from the distributor is connected
• each temperature sensor and the general output to which the extension cable is connected
• Each pipe is designed according to the dimensions and the timing of various engine types. The mechanical installation is thus much simplified
• Easy maintenance (connections through connectors)

Main Benefits:
• Complex pipes carrying out the functions of a measurement and ignition pipe and those of a multi-service pipe
• Pipes allow for the transmission of all low-voltage and low-level signals.
• Fool-proof and pre-wired system, designed to reduce wiring operations on the engine. No special installation skill required (plug and play)
• The pipe is fitted only with 2 or 3 brackets
• Simplified engine cabling
• Reduced costs of cabling
• Installation and replacement of sensors in minimum time
• Impossibility of inversion when connecting sensor
• Standardization of sensors (cable length) and optimization of spare parts stocks.


Flexible Braided Wiring System


Your engines and equipment require a wide range of pre-cabled braided flexible wiring solutions up to a recmmened temperature of 138°C.

CMR’s flexible harness manufacture process applies automated cut, strip and termination alongside best-in-class build-board assembly and test facilities, supported by Cirris test software.

The sleeving method is specified dependant on the customer specification and CMR recommend the best solution considering operating environment, design for manufacture and cost.

CMR’s e plug and play flexible harness systems enable efficient assembly and can be supplied with bespoke mouting brackets and p-clips to ensure efficient assembly at the customer production facility.

The braided harness solutions from CMR utilize a wide range of wire and insulating types – examples are listed below:

• Variety of multi core cable

Typical physical properties:
• Tensile strenght – 15lbs (6.8kg)
• Yield – 1000yds/lb (2000m/kg)
• Cold Flex Tolerance -54°C (-65°F)

Effects of common vehicle fluids, 24 Hours at 200°F:
Fluid rating 0=No Effect, 5=Significant Embrittlement
Abrasion rating 0=No Effect, 5=Significant Embrittlement

0 Grease
1 Motor Oil 10 w 30
2 Battery Acid
0 Anti-Freeze
2 Windshield Wiper Fluid
0 Hydraulic Fluid
2 Relative Abrasion Resistance

ALN Series

Push Linear Actuators
High Quality Antifriction Bearings
Replaces Competitive Models
22mm Stroke
ALN025-12 or -24
ALN050-12 or -24
12 or 24 VDC / 0.25 ft.lb. / Spade Connector
12 or 24 VDC / 0.50 ft.lb. / Spade Connector

2001 Series

Rotary Actuator
12.0 lb-ft Torque
< 80 msec Response Sized for engines from 400 - 1800 hp ACB2001 24 VDC / 12.0 Max lb-ft Torque / 35 ° Rotation

120 Series

Rotary Actuators
Sized for Engines up to 150 hp
1.0 lb-ft Torque
For Small Inline Fuel Pumps or Carburetors
120 Series
ADC120S -12 or -24
Multi VDC / MIL Connector / 25° Rotation
Multi VDC / MIL Connector / 25° Rotation
Multi VDC / MIL Connector / Fuel Metering /
Cummins PT Fuel System
12 or 24 VDC / Commercial Connector /
25 ° Rotation / Serrated Shaft

225 Series

2.2 lb-ft Torque
25° Rotation
< 45 msec Response For Multi-Plunger Fuel Pumps & Carburetors ACB225 ADB225 ADC225S -12 or -24 ADC225GS -12 or -24 ADC225GAS-24 ADC225JS -12 or -24 ADC225KS -12 or -24 Multi VDC / MIL Connector Multi VDC / MIL Connector / Diecast Housing 12 or 24 VDC / Commercial Connector / Serrated Shaft 12 or 24 VDC / Commercial Connector / Serrated Shaft / Lesser Rate Return Spring 24 VDC / Commercial Connector / Serrated Shaft / Lesser Rate Return Spring / Extended Stop 12 or 24 VDC / Commercial Connector / Serrated Shaft / Greater Rate Return Spring 12 or 24 VDC / Commercial Connector / Serrated Shaft / High Temperature Applications

104 Series

Briggs & Straton Engines
Kohler 12 – 30 HP Engines
25 msec Response
Environmentally Sealed
ADD104-12 12 VDC / 0.29 lb-ft Torque / Male Spade Terminals


(Simple LCD User Interface / Fast Set-up With 5 Push Buttons, No Potentiometers / A Near Drop-in Replacement for ESD5500E)

GAC’s EDG5500 digital governor is designed to regulate engine speed on diesel and gasoline reciprocating engines. The EDG is a suitable replacement for any mechanical governor system that needs flexibility, precision, or accurate control of governed speed. The EDG is designed for industrial engine applications from generator sets, and mechanical drives, to pumps or compressors.

Analogue Governor

Analogue Governor

It is very popular type of governor, where the speed control unit does not require any software or programming tool. In this type, there is no display and no communication port. Adjustable potentiometers (pots) are provided for parameter settings which are easy to adjust with the help of small screw driver. .